21 Bloomsbury Street, London, United Kingdom;49 Lever Street, Manchester, United Kingdom, United Kingdom - England ;
Detailed Information
  • Arts Council of England, Grants for the Arts.
  • Open applications throughout the year.
  • Grants may range from ¬£1,000-100,000. The average grant made to visual artists in 2015/16 was ¬£17,486.00.
  • The artist‚Äôs activity must take place mainly in England. There are some exceptions to this, when artists from England are involved in activities in other countries.
  • The proposal is appraised across four main areas:Artistic quality ‚Äì the quality of the activity and the quality of effect the activity will have on the people experiencing it, or its ongoing effect on artistic practice (or all of these)

    Public engagement – how the public will engage with the activity, immediately or in the long term

    Management – how the activity will be managed and its ongoing effect

    Finance – how realistic the activity is financially and its future effect

  • Grants for the Arts are for activities carried out over a set period and which engage people in England in arts activities, and help artists and arts organisations in England carry out their work.

Grants for the Arts is our open access funding programme for individuals, art organisations and other people who use the arts in their work.

We offer awards from £1,000 to £100,000 to support a wide variety of arts-related activities, from dance to visual arts, literature to theatre, music to combined arts.

We’re¬†refreshing our Grants for the Arts online guidance materials and we want to hear from you about what improvements we can make.