“In its first edition in 1993 it emerged as one of the main exhibitions of Latin American art, including the participation of some of the most expressive contemporary artists from the region.”
The Curitiba Biennial was conceived in 1990 under the name of VentoSul – Latin-American Visual Arts Biennial. In its first edition in 1993 it emerged as one of the main exhibitions of Latin American art, including the participation of some of the most expressive contemporary artists from the region.
Since the beginning VentoSul has had an itinerant character, which was kept in the following editions. In the first editions, the VentoSul exhibition took place in important cultural spaces in S√£o Paolo, Rio de Janeiro amongst other, and more than a hundred artists, selected by established Latin American art critics, participated.
For the fourth edition in 2007 Fabio Margalhães, Fernando Cocchiarale and Ticio Escobar were selected as general trustees. In this edition artists from seven countries participated: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Paraguay. The fifth Latin-American Visual Arts Biennial – VentoSul took place in the Brazilian city Curitiba in 2009, curated by Ticio Ecobar and Leonor Amarante.
The Vento Sul Biennial has gradually consolidated itself as an important contemporary art exhibition in the Americas and is currently referenced as one of the greatest events dedicated to Latin American art.