“Commenced for the first time as an exhibition that represent the dynamic of art practice in Yogyakarta in 1988, Biennale Jogja has now become one of the most robust and consistent visual arts events in Indonesia.”
Known as a flagship exhibition that showcase contemporary art practice and discourse, the biennale has contributed significantly to the dynamic of local and regional art scene in Indonesia and Southeast Asia particularly.
In sharp competition with other major biennales around the world, Biennale Jogja’s reputation entered a new phase in the world of international contemporary art in 2011. Restructuration of the organization and management was followed by the establishment of a foundation that will ensure the continuity of the biennale based on principles of professionalism, transparency and accountability. On 23 August 2010, the foundation, or Yayasan Biennale Yogyakartawas launched as the official institutions that houses the biannual exhibition.
As a result of conceptual reformulation, the Biennale Jogja works in partnership with one country/region in the equatorial region. In 10 years time until 2022, the biennale series sets the equatorial locations as its main premise and working area, i.e. the particular geographical areas of earth ranged between the latitudes 23.27° NL and 23.27° SL. In every event, BJ will choose to work with one or more countries/regions as its partner, by inviting the artists and art communities from the chosen partnering countries within the equatorial areas to collaborate, create, exhibit, encounter and dialog with Indonesian artists, collectives, organizations and cultural communities, in Yogyakarta. In 2011 the equator biennale started with an encounter with India in 2011.