Inspired by the Tate Triennial (Tate Gallery, UK) and the Whitney Biennial (the Whitney Museum of American Art, USA), ARSENALE will focus itself on the museum space.
The biennial exhibitions will be held in the newly converted “Mystetskyi Arsenal” in the historic centre of Kyiv, capital of the Ukraine. Besides, ARSENALE will also present a parallel program in a variety of cultural institutions, galleries and public space of Kyiv.
In March 2013 Mysteskyi Arsenal has withdrawn as an organiser of the 2nd Kyiv Biennale, under the title “The School of Kyiv”. 
The curators, Hedwig Saxenhuber and Georg Schöllhammer, together with the Visual Culture Research Center, Kyiv and initiatives in Kyiv, the Ukraine and Europe, have decided to go ahead with the biennale project.“The School of Kyiv” – Kyiv Biennial 2015  will take place this year from 9th of September until 1st of November.