Rushmoor Borough Council, Farnborough Road, Farnborough, UK, Hampshire
Detailed Information

If this page refers to your council, why not claim this space by clicking “Is this your ad?” above and registering an account.

You can then fill in the gaps with information about what you are doing to support the arts and creativity in relation to Community Cohesion, Community Development, Regeneration, Tourism, Economic Development or Wellness and how that relates to any relevant Local Area Plans set in motion.

You can also list links to your own URL’s detailing how artists as individuals or community groups claim small grants or access support, information, advice, and guidance and most importantly who they need to get in touch with.

ArtMarketDirectory is a great way to get your message out about the work you are doing in a place artists regularly visit.

If any of this information is incorrect or if you can help us fill in some gaps please email us on If this entry is about you, you can claim it and update your own information, upload images and video too.