We choose world-renowned brands because we want to offer our customers only quality items : Faber Castell, Nevskaya Palitra, Staedtler, C.Kreul (Solo Goya, Javana, HobbyLine), Canson, Arches, Luc, Fiskars, Kores, Clairefontaine, LeFranc & Bourgeois (Louvre, Color & Co.), Derwent, Springer Pinsel, Rapina, Diamine, Meyco, Maped, etc.
To introduce various products that have not yet gained popularity in Latvia, we offer master classes for children and adults. For several years, Vivita Zuzule, a teacher of visual art, has been leading a children’s drawing studio. At the end of the semester we are organizing an exhibition of children’s work – a truly joyous event! Since November 2012, the gallery has been hosting a drawing and painting masterclass every night by artist Dimitri Ignatovich.
The Young Artists’ Gallery is a natural continuation of the pencil and brush art store. Shop manager Inita Bashkevica says: “We have always wanted to know what works of art are being made with the hands of the people who shop in our shop. Like paper and canvas, brush, pencil and paint turn into artwork. Thus, the idea of creating a gallery was born in our daily conversation with our clients. The main purpose of the gallery is to provide an opportunity to exhibit and sell works of art to young and not widely recognized artists. Works of contemporary art and classical techniques can be found here. Our goal is to become a meeting place for students, professional artists, creative people and a simple passerby. “
We regularly participate in various charity events and organize free creative workshops at Kalnciemiela Fairs and other events.
Thinking about development and customer convenience not only in Riga, but also in other regions of Latvia, in August 2013 “Pencil and Brush” online store was opened.
As of January 2, 2014, the Nometņu Street store is moving to more spacious and lighter premises at 4 Meža Street . Now in Pardaugava we offer drawing and painting classes for young people and adults. We also offer paintings and works of art by young and little-known Latvian artists.