Basic Information

Where are you located: Hunters Quay, UK
ArtMarketDirect gallery URL:
+44 7968035481
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About Me

Fun Facts
Any phobias?:
Oh, goodness. It has to be spiders and butterflies. A few years ago I was determined to 'get over it' and took my family to the Butterfly house in Edinburgh. I had not expected the butterflies to be flying around 'freely.' After a couple of hours of trying to hide my panic, I realised it was lovely and decided to buy a butterfly house should anyone give me enough money. I even held a tarantula. I am incredibly brave. Although when in Thailand a large plate sized butterfly with murderous intent did approach me; but it couldn't fly as fast as I could run.
What’s your favourite colour and why?:
Shades of blue but especially blue-grey, Prussian, and Cobalt; because I adore blue, then complementary colours of orange, red and yellow are adopted and loved too.
Do you live with any family and or pets?:
I live with two fine people who I like as well as love. My husband and son. You couldn't ask for finer. We have 'Finn the dog' who being a spaniel appears to be either stuck in her bed or to the ceiling and my three free-ranging chickens.
Best and worst food?:
Yes, please to indoor picnics with great bread and cheese. I like trying new foods, especially seafood, or pasta.

Tell us a little about your full-time job and/or education?:
I work full time in my studio painting. I used to be Head of a large residential outdoor education centre and have a post-graduate diploma in Business Management and Administration, but that was in a previous life. I'm lucky in that the local outdoor education centre will call me and I'll take the odd session, anything from canoeing to climbing and anything in between. It doesn't happen regularly, which means I still love it.
If you weren't an artist what would you be doing instead?:
Marine biology or a Lead camel driver through the hills of Sinai in the style of Gertrude Bell.
What moment in your career are you most proud of?:
Just occasionally in life, there are modest moments in which we can take a moment to reflect privately and sometimes we have to bare all on the internet, so here goes. I'm delighted to be associated with the Clyde Fishermen's Trust as their Artist-in-Residence. I was pleased to have one of my pieces to be used on a record album and I was proud when Loch Fyne Oyster company accepted my work.
Before you became professional in art, what is the best non art related job you ever had and why?:
I loved my job working with children in the outdoors.
Getting Down To Business

What is the most challenging part about being an artist in todays market?:
Fitting in everything you want to do.
For you what is the best part about creating art in the way you do?:
I paint both watercolour and oils. My feelings towards the two mediums are opposing. When painting oils, the set up has to be 'just right', there is a mental build up to the whole process. There is a controlled 'angst' as I paint. The making the canvas, setting up the palette, to the painting is all-consuming. It is starkly different from the disciplined, quiet, introspective approach to watercolours. Both medium reflects aspects of my character. The medium I am using dictates the music on Spotify.
If you were able to go back to give yourself a nugget of advice before you even got started what would that be?:
Paint more. Start earlier. Paint more.
Visual art is often love/hate. How do you handle negative feedback?:
It's all just practice. It's not personal. Paint more. If someone says they don't like a piece of my work I think that's fine. It's not for you. Their opinion has no value whatsoever.
What do you feel when something is sold? Why?:
What are your tools and/or equipment and/or medium of choice? Why?:
A palette knife for oils. Technical pencils for sketching and I few selected brushes for watercolours and tea.
What is your creative process like?:
What do you believe is a key element in creating a good composition?:
I have no idea. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It's the Muse love! Sometimes she drops sweet honey in your ear and sometimes it's hot wax.

And Finally...
What’s the best art tip you’ve ever received which you would be willing to share?:
Clean your brushes.
How has your style changed over the years?:
My style has changed by becoming more relaxed and confident through excessive tea drinking.
Tell us about any experimenting you are doing lately?:
I'm just about to start using some Dr Phil Martin fluid watercolours.
Do you have any upcoming events we should know about?:
Behold Malin Solo Exhibition at the WEST on the Glasgow Green. Cowal Open Studios in September. I am currently writing a series of books called 'The Little Red Fishing Boat.'
When painting oils, the set up has to be ‘just right’, there is a mental build up to the whole process. There is a controlled ‘angst’ as I paint. The making the canvas, setting up the palette, to the painting is all-consuming.
It is starkly different from the disciplined, quiet, introspective approach to watercolours. Both medium reflects aspects of my character.