Basic Information

Where are you located: Riga, Latvia
ArtMarketDirect gallery URL:
About Me

Fun Facts
What’s your favourite colour and why?:
Getting an art education made it clear that all the colors are beautiful.
Do you live with any family and or pets?:
Being single, I express my fantasies through paintings. I experience in them those feelings that i'm deprived on. I'm creating my dreams, my ideals. In some way it's an sublimation of sexual energies into artistic.

Tell us a little about your full-time job and/or education?:
Interested in creativity from an early age - as a child studied at art school, and as adult enrolled in architecture - design college of Riga, graduating in 2010 with a degree "interior designer". Was working as interior designer for 5 years, then devoted full time to art and now it's the only job.
If you weren't an artist what would you be doing instead?:
Would continue to be an interior designer... Or maybe not.
What moment in your career are you most proud of?:
It is yet to come.
Getting Down To Business

There’s a lot of artwork on the market these days, how do you differentiate yours from the rest?:
First of all, I clearly understand that my art is specific and most suitable for fans of "gay art". But I'm also try to get out from this borders and make something else, same time without departing from the "male" theme. So recently I've been working on religious themes in art combining elements of homoeratism, for example in scenes of early Christian saints. But the main thing what make my works unique is my individual watercolor style: a combination of soft and diffuse colors with clear graphic lines , which creates the impression of colored glass. Also all of my works are distinguished by precision and detail.
What is the most challenging part about being an artist in todays market?:
The most difficult thing is to start your career as an artist. And it does not matter how good your art is when you do not have any "right" contacts, you do not have a name and you are unknown, it's very difficult to prove to the world that you are worth something. In this circumstances only lucky case can help you.
For you what is the best part about creating art in the way you do?:
Well as i wrote prevosly, it's my sublimation of sexual energies in to artistic.
Visual art is often love/hate. How do you handle negative feedback?:
The main critic is my self. The opinion of strangers is mostly indifferent to me.
What do you feel when something is sold? Why?:
From one hand I feel satisfaction that someone appreciates my art and I get some money for survival; but from the other hand I feel sadness from parting with my work.
What are your tools and/or equipment and/or medium of choice? Why?:
Acrylics and watercolor.
What is your creative process like?:
First comes inspiration in the form of feelings, some images in my head. But then starts the hardest part - to express it in a form, it can take a very long time and many spoiled sketches. But when sketch is ready - it's only a half of work, next need to find a right colors, and it can be even harder then make a good sketch. It's not unusual thing when the sketch turns out very good but colors ruin all work.
How do you come up with a profitable pricing structure for your pieces?:
It was done by the gallery with which I collaborate and now I'm just following it.
What do you believe is a key element in creating a good composition?:
Follow your feelings.

And Finally...
What’s the best art tip you’ve ever received which you would be willing to share?:
When an artist is satisfied with his painting, it means that he has stopped in his progress.
How has your style changed over the years?:
Became more sophisticated and detailed.
Do you have any upcoming events we should know about?:
Recently was released summer issue of American gay art magazine "RFD", where was published some of my paintings. And the next in line publication in the Brazilian gay art magazine "Falo", but at the moment it's only in the plans.
The most difficult thing is to start your career as an artist. And it does not matter how good your art is when you do not have any “right” contacts, you do not have a name and you are unknown, it’s very difficult to prove to the world that you are worth something. In this circumstances only lucky case can help you.