Basic Information

Where are you located: MADRID-SPAIN
ArtMarketDirect gallery URL:
About Me

Fun Facts
Any phobias?:
Las avispas me incomodan.
The wasps bother me.
What’s your favourite colour and why?:
Me gustan todos los colores. Cada uno tiene su función, Pero si he de quedarme uno es el rojo.
I like all the colors. Each one has its function, but if I have to stay one, it is red.
Do you live with any family and or pets?:
Vivo con mi compañera. Mi estrella...
I live with my partner. My star...
Best and worst food?:
Me gusta comer de todo. Cocktail de langostinos y cordon bleau. La peor los callos
I like to eat everything. Shrimp cocktail and cordon bleau. The worst the calluses

Tell us a little about your full-time job and/or education?:
He trabajado en muchos sectores, he ejercido de abogado, he sido cristalero de rascacielos, he trabajado en fábricas, de conserje, de comercial y ahora trabajo de auxiliar de información en el aeropuerto. Mi sueño es poder dedicarme plenamente a mi pasión que me acompaña desde niño, la pintura.
I have worked in many sectors, I have worked as a lawyer, I have been a skyscraper glassmaker, I have worked in factories, as a janitor, as a commercial and now as an information assistant at the airport. My dream is to devote myself fully to my passion that accompanies me as a child, painting.
If you weren't an artist what would you be doing instead?:
Me gusta resolver enigmas y misterios. La investigación, pero no policial.
I like to solve puzzles and mysteries. The investigation, but not police.
What moment in your career are you most proud of?:
Cuando gané el primer premio provincial de Madrid de pintura con 12 años y con el mismo cuadro quedé segundo en el Ceramen Nacional de la Juventud
When I won the first provincial painting prize in Madrid with 12 years old and with the same painting I was second in the National Youth Ceramen
Before you became professional in art, what is the best non art related job you ever had and why?:
He trabajado por necesidad. Todos tienen algo malo y algo positivo. Me quedo con la experiencia y el aprendizaje obtenidos en cada uno de ellos. Han sido muchos y muy variados...
I have worked out of necessity. Everyone has something bad and something positive. I am left with the experience and learning obtained in each one of them. They have been many and varied ...
Getting Down To Business

There’s a lot of artwork on the market these days, how do you differentiate yours from the rest?:
Soy autodidacta. Aprendí copiando a los grandes Maestros de todas las escuelas. Pero mi estilo es inclasificable, humilde pero único. Responde a una evolución desde mi niñez. Sigo aprendiendo y, por lo tanto, evolucionando. / I'm autodidactic.
I learned by copying the great Teachers of all the schools. But my style is unclassifiable, humble but unique. It responds to an evolution since my childhood. I keep learning and, therefore, evolving.
What is the most challenging part about being an artist in todays market?:
Hoy el artista no se dedica exclusivamente a la creación. Ha de promocionarse y comercializar. Ser un experto en las redes y en internet y tener aptitudes para la venta. Al menos de momento...
Today the artist is not exclusively dedicated to creation. It has to be promoted and commercialized. Be an expert in the networks and on the internet and have aptitudes for sale. At least for the moment ...
For you what is the best part about creating art in the way you do?:
El arte para mí es como la vida. Cometo infinidad de errores pero me muevo con autocrítica para aprender y seguir evolucionando
Art for me is like life. I commit an infinity of errors but I move with self-criticism to learn and keep evolving
If you were able to go back to give yourself a nugget of advice before you even got started what would that be?:
No te precipites. El tiempo debe ser un aliado no el enemigo a batir.
Do not rush. Time must be an ally not the enemy to beat.
Visual art is often love/hate. How do you handle negative feedback?:
Sigo aprendiendo a escuchar. Aunque me remueva el comentario me quedo con el mensaje para analizarlo
I keep learning to listen. Even if I remove the comment, I'll take the message to analyze it
What do you feel when something is sold? Why?:
Es el fin de la labor cumplida, el objetivo final. Pero para mí mis obras son como mis criaturas, me duele enormemente desprenderme de ellas...
It is the end of the work accomplished, the ultimate goal. But for me my works are like my creatures, it hurts me enormously to get rid of them
What are your tools and/or equipment and/or medium of choice? Why?:
El lapiz y el pincel. Aunque trabajo cualquier tipo de material. Pinté mucho en óleo pero actualmente prefiero el acrílico (con sus limitaciones) por su limpieza y rapidez de secado
The pencil and the brush. Although I work any type of material. I painted a lot in oil but now I prefer acrylic (with its limitations) for its cleanliness and speed of drying
What is your creative process like?:
Las ideas me surgen espontáneamente o relacionando lo vivido en la realidad con mi imaginación, por medio de mis fotos o de internet, construyo en mi mente una composición que sea sugerente para mí y creo que para los demás. Intento aunar realidad e imaginación.
The ideas come to me spontaneously or relating the lived reality with my imagination, through my photos or the internet, I build in my mind a composition that is suggestive for me and I think for others. I try to combine reality and imagination.
What do you believe is a key element in creating a good composition?:
La originalidad
The originality

And Finally...
What’s the best art tip you’ve ever received which you would be willing to share?:
Alíaté con el tiempo. Que no sea tu enemigo. Crea y evolucina con autocrítica
Alíaté with time. That is not your enemy. Create and evolve with self-criticism
How has your style changed over the years?:
Lo mío es una evolución desde mi niñez. Aunque no busque la perfección creo que voy definiendo mi estilo y mejorándolo. Siempre me pongo retos y experimento. Toco todos los temas que se me ocurren. Voy perdiendo el miedo a fallar...
Mine is an evolution from my childhood. Although I do not look for perfection, I think I'm defining my style and improving it. I always put challenges and experiment. I play all the themes that come to mind. I'm losing the fear of failing ...
Do you have any upcoming events we should know about?:
Estoy exponiendo una obra físicamente en la Galería de David Bardía en Madrid y soy Artista Premium de la misma. Estoy terminando un cuadro que espero presentar a un concurso importante. Ya le buscaremos novia al mismo cuando lo termine...
I am exhibiting a work physically in the David Bardía Gallery in Madrid and I am a Premium Artist of it. I am finishing a painting that I hope to present to an important contest. We will look for a girlfriend when she finishes it ...
“Hay que viajar por la realidad con imaginación”
“You have to travel through reality with imagination”