What Makes Art Sell?

What Makes Art Sell?

Email us at admin@artmarketdirect.com using ‘Sharing Success case study’ as the subject.

Although we do not promise that we will feature you and we can’t feature everyone, we do promise that we will get back to you in any event.

If we are going to feature you we will email you a link to the online form you will need to complete, together with quotes, text and media. We will also send you some guidance o help you fill it in.

We do not publish anything which you have not told us, but we do retain editorial rights to condense, cut, paraphrase and edit what you give us, although you will have the final say on the way the article reads.

In this section of our website, we will feature artists who want to share their business model to success.

Obviously, not all successful artists use the same business model. Some celebrate local virtues whilst others exploit international opportunities. One artist might use galleries and relationships with curators whilst another may submit to competitions, shows and private views.

Tell us what makes you different.

How do you make it work for you? Like everything in life, there are no right answers, only answers which either work or don’t.




Email us.

With ArtMarketDirect.com artists are able to take control of their own careers, list their own pieces for sale to collectors and undertake their own fulfillment of orders.

The only stipulation on ArtMarketDirect.com is that the work you list is your own and is original. Where prints are for sale, we ask that all image copyrights belong to you and that you are legally disposed to sell the pieces you have on offer.

The site is FREE to use with only 10% sales commission OR for those willing to bet on themselves with only a nominal subscription (from less than £1/month) to upload unlimited artwork and very low 3% commission on sales. If you are a creative ArtMarketDirect.com is the best option you have.

Header Image by Анастасия Гепп from Pixabay


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