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    Elusive-2 is a 36x48 inches large original oil on canvas of an autumn forest clearing with deer. The painting shows a stag and a doe blinking in and out of existence in a clearing in an autumn forest. The trees lead you into the painting and the deer wait in the misty clearing to transport you elsewhere. Deer are seen as messengers or spirit guides in many cultures and I do find them ethereal and very beautiful. I have no idea how people can shoot them. This painting is another in another in a series of large forest landscape deer paintings that are a tribute to the beautiful landscapes of Sussex, especially around the Ashdown Forest and the elusive deer that inhabit them. Deer have a magical way of appearing and then vanishing in the blink of an eye. It always takes my breath away when I come across them in a forest. This painting is atmospheric, abstract, art nouveau, expressionist, in style. It has deep edges, white, and is ready to hang. See video at: https://youtu.be/cjktPAEkI04
  • Emerging is a large 40x40x1.5 inches oil on canvas painting of a stag and doe in an autumn forest in art nouveau, impasto, semi abstract style. A large deer stag stands on the left in the foreground looking imperiously at us as stags do, and a doe stands behind him ready to run. Behind them is a forest of pine and birch trees with thick white light hinted at coming through the trees which halo around the deer To the right is the edge of a forest that is morphing into a curtain. I love the idea of stepping out of forests into other worlds entirely and feel that may be what is happening here. I have deliberately left it ambiguous as to what is occurring and I have abstracted the painting by being very detailed in some parts of it and leaving it alone other parts. This better inspires the imagination. As a child I loved (and still do) fairy stories. There is one here I think… Painted on deep edge canvas, white edges, ready to hang, no frame necessary. See video at: https://youtu.be/Vgo4xy3xtec
  • abstract painting
  • Night walk

    Hand-painted. They are NOT computerized or poster prints. Canvas, oil 50/60
  • Mercury

    Original Painting Acrylic on canvas 40x50" (1015 x 1270mm) Includes solid oak 1/2" frame

    Water Lilies floating on a deep blue pond, in full flower while reflections from the banks play prettily on the water. Painted in oils on deep sided box canvas. The sides are painted and it is ready to hang.
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    Precious Tiger is a 30x30x1.5 inches +oil on canvas of a sinuous orange tiger slinking down a branch in an art nouveau contemporary abstract painting style. She is on a purple tree with lots of intricate branches weaving around her and golden light shines thought the tree behind her. The style is deliberately abstract and the tiger is stylized to make her slightly mystical as she sashays along her tree looking for something in the distance. Tigers are in trouble and may one day be mythical beasts. This one is ahead of the game and I painted her partly for the sheer pleasure all artists get from painting tigers, but also because I was thinking about their plight and wanting to make a space for a tiger to be safe. Hence the fairy tale space and golden light and sense that something is happening here that we don’t fully know about… Dedicated to all those fighting to save our beautiful wildlife. Keep fighting please. White edges, deep edge canvas, no frame needed, ready to hang. See video about Precious Tiger here: https://youtu.be/hWFC7HNlvBY
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