• E THE PUDDLE | 25x11x8 | ceramics | 25x11x8 | ceramics
  • SCARAB 2 | 34x11x9 | ceramics / SCARAB 2 | 34x11x9 | ceramics / wood
  • Celebrated British fine artist Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell presents this exquisite piece continuing his collaboration with the studio of the late British fine artist Brett Neal. Beagle in Boots (Love in Pink & Silver) is the culmination of works the artist has undertaken in his studio in Thailand, influenced and drawing on the exploration of spirituality and values including morals and virtues.  The artist playfully presents these notions on a lighthearted form which can only be described as Pop; a dog wearing shoes. The resulting piece is both fun and beautiful.
  • Celebrated British fine artist Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell presents this exquisite piece continuing his collaboration with the studio of the late British fine artist Brett Neal. Beagle in Boots (Faith in Black & Gold) is the culmination of works the artist has undertaken in his studio in Thailand, influenced and drawing on the exploration of spirituality and values including morals and virtues.  The artist playfully presents these notions on a lighthearted form which can only be described as Pop; a dog wearing shoes. The resulting piece is both fun and beautiful.
  • Celebrated British fine artist Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell presents this exquisite piece continuing his collaboration with the studio of the late British fine artist Brett Neal. Beagle in Boots (Justice in Green & Silver)) is the culmination of works the artist has undertaken in his studio in Thailand, influenced and drawing on the exploration of spirituality and values including morals and virtues.  The artist playfully presents these notions on a lighthearted form which can only be described as Pop; a dog wearing shoes. The resulting piece is both fun and beautiful.
  • Unconscious

    The basis of plywood 21 milimeter, the mold is made of plaster, the surface is covered with varnish, acrylic paint.
  • BURRAWANG, red malle eucalyptus wood burl, 32 x 24 x 10 cm, 2018 The sculpture is named "Burrawang". The crazy woodworm got inspirired by a primitive plant that grows in Australia, the name given by the Aboriginal. Wood comes from a burr/burl of red mallee, an australian tree. The coloration is natural, finished with a layer of wax on and polished. The base is in mahogany wood painted black. ITALIAN VERSION La scultura è chiamata "Burrawang". Il tarlo pazzo prende ispirazione da una pianta primitiva che cresce in Australia, il nome è dato dagli Aborigeni. Il legno è radica di mallee rosso, un albero australiano. La colorazione è naturale, finita con un velo di cera e lucidato. La base è in mogano verniciato di nero.
  • NAVEL, oak wood burl, 31 x 26 x 20, 2018 The sculpture is named "Navel". The crazy woodworm got inspired by twins orange "navel" when a little orange grows inside a bigger one, so the sculpture shows in its section a head inside a bigger head. It is made of oak burl, its natural cracks are fixed by inlaid with mahogany pieces, like stitches of a surgery scar; finished with a layer of wax. The base is in made by two pieces of mahogany. ITALIAN VERSION La scultura è chiamata "Navel". Il tarlo pazzo prende ispirazione dalle arance gemelle "navel" dove una piccola arancia cresce all'interno di una più grande, così la scultura presenta una testa dentro a una testa più grande. Realizzata in radica di quercia; le naturali fenditure del legno sono fissate tramite intaglio con pezzi di mogano; finito con un velo di cera. La base è formata da due pezzi di mogano.
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