What is Open Studio?

Open Studio.  What Is It?

If Wikipedia’s definition is to be the authority (and at times it is useful just to accept what it says), then an Open Studio is “A studio or workroom which is made accessible to all comers, perhaps just in the short term, during an open studio event, where artistic or creative work can be viewed and created collaboratively.”

The definition works for us to a point insofar that Open Studio provides the opportunity for creatives to showcase their work AND hopefully sell it without the commission normally garnered by galleries, whether they be real-world or online.  All the proceeds can be kept by the creator, longstanding relationships can be created and thereby the development of your Real Collector goal is one step closer to being achieved.

When Do Open Studio Events Take Place?

Open Studio events normally happen once a year (Between April – October) and in some cases will have, depending on the size of the geographic area of benefit, anything from a few to several hundred creative folks showing their work over a weekend, over a week or during a month of events.

Does Open Studio Occur In The Same Way Everywhere?

It is an incredible movement which is strangely not universally shared across the world as the norm but the practice is spreading.

In the UK, we are lucky; Open Studio has really taken hold with more and more areas developing their own versions of the initiative.

For some, artists continue to operate in their silos, but for other the opportunity to work together for the greatest result of the group means some artists will routinely share white wall space, some publically accessible buildings are utilised to have an exhibition of all the artists work on display as well as their ‘Open Studio’ and finally for those who have completely adopted the principles, each artist will take the time to systematically recommend others to their visitors to create a trail folk can follow over a couple of days.

Potential Real Collectors Come To You

They are a great opportunity for artists to ‘get out there’ whilst actually staying put in which Real Collectors coming to see them and buying their work.

The Ripple Effect

The benefits are not solely isolated to the artists either, some folk are hud fans of Open Studio and will plan their getaways or breaks to coincide with the event which means, hotels, B&B’s, restaurants, and all manner of other independent businesses can and should get involved promoting the event.   Lots of these spaces have blank or empty walls, ripe for work to be shown not just during the event, but beyond too.

Our Open Studio Advice:

Our advice; get involved and get out there!



Art Market Direct

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The only stipulation on ArtMarketDirect.com is that the work you list is your own and is original. Where prints are for sale, we ask that all image copyrights belong to you and that you are legally disposed to sell the pieces you have on offer.

The site is FREE to use with only 10% sales commission OR for those willing to bet on themselves with only a nominal subscription (from less than £1/month) to upload unlimited artwork and very low 3% commission on sales. If you are a creative, ArtMarketDirect.com is the best option you have.

Header Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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