Why You Should Always Frame Artwork You Offer For Sale

Why Bother To Frame Your Work?

We have all been there.  The prospect of spending money on framing your work, in order to sell it can seem counter-intuitive.

The arguments against framing normally go something like this:

  • You save money
  • From a practical perspective, pieces are easier to transport

Both of these are moot points and we will set out the reasons below.  In short, frame all original work and as a minimum mount and wrap Limited Edition prints you have for sale.

Now for the details:

Instant Value

As soon as a frame is added to your creation it adds value.  It opens a dialogue with your prospective buyer telling them, “this work is worth more, this deserves to be hung on a wall, your wall”

It adds instant value.  Of course, the cost of getting your work will be added to the price of your artwork, so the cost is neutralised or net-zero to your profit margin.

There are two routes every artist can go down, either you buy cheap from places such as IKEA, which depending on your work may well get the job done, or, you have bespoke mounts and frames made to order.  It depends on the value of your work.  Whatever you determine is the best option for you and your work only adds value.


Whenever you decide to present your work, present it in the best way you can.  No time or money is ever lost in upselling your work.

The power of visualisation works like magic.  Potential buyers need to be able to visualise how your work might look in their home, workplace, bedroom, or lounge.

Neutral colours, simple design

How you choose to frame or mount your work, we advise you to consider these two points as paramount:

  • Neutral colours
  • Simple design

The reason for this is whatever colour, style or design bias you might have for showing your work, that might be the very thing, however insignificant to you which might turn someone off your work.  Plain black, charcoal grey or white is arguably best.



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With ArtMarketDirect.com artists are able to take control of their own careers, list their own pieces for sale to collectors and undertake their own fulfillment of orders.

The only stipulation on ArtMarketDirect.com is that the work you list is your own and is original. Where prints are for sale, we ask that all image copyrights belong to you and that you are legally disposed to sell the pieces you have on offer.

The site is FREE to use with only 10% sales commission OR for those willing to bet on themselves with only a nominal subscription (from less than £1/month) to upload unlimited artwork and very low 3% commission on sales. If you are a creative, ArtMarketDirect.com is the best option you have.

Header Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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