• Rain

    Impressionist imaginings of a Victorian street scene
  • This is a Canvas reproduction of my original artwork 'Crashing Wave' produced to the same size 16 x 20" and limited to 50 worldwide. This is Free shipping within the UK. This will be sent via mail courier, fully insured and packaged in double sided reinforced picture box, returns are available providing that there is no damage on return, return time is 5 days from signed delivery.
  • Prints of Poppies at Argenteuil were everywhere in the early 70's...my first girlfriends' parents had one on the living room wall of their council house in Chester...I loved it but she thought it was kitsch...In retrospect I think it was popular because it's so beautiful and evocative...it always makes me feel free and I felt free here...painting my first water colour for 47 years! They had a Chinese Girl by Tretchikoff too and she was even more ashamed of that..I wander where she is now...I also love Monet for his courageous stand in the Dreyfus Affair...at a time when antisemitism is on the rise we need to remember when artists took stands https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/features/features-on-jewish-world/monet-dreyfus-and-the-end-of-impressionism/2015/12/17/
  • Red horse

    Original oil painting, landscape on canvas. Signed by the author
  • Autumn

    Original oil painting on cardboard, signed by the artist
  • Out of stock
    This painting is an eyecatching painting, painted with acryl in fluor colours. Ready to hang on your wall.
  • Abstract impression: Suffolk dune.
  • Fenland snapshot
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