• Creation

    За тази работа, като повечето от моите картини, работят от много дълго време, през които растат пред мен като живо същество, израз на този творчески и постоянен вътрешен импулс. Винаги добавяме нещо ново към тях и те са като вечен жив процес .... Размер на рамката 108 x 138 cm
  • Cherga

    Течащи, наситни и динамични цветове, идващи директно от жизненост и енергия, блестящи от светлина, осветяващи всяка частица на душата, частица от света ... Работата е от моя колекция Псейдон. Размер на рамката за боядисване 74 х 94 х 4 см
  • see High Line Reflection 3
  • Glass panels with rusted pieces of distressed metal sculpture on the side of a building, revealing a cool reflection of the background buildings. Price: $2700 40 x 30 inches.
  • Please see the description for High Line Reflection 1. $2700 plus shipping  40 w x 30 h inches
  • Out of stock
    Roundism - 02-02-18 Based on a prestudy in pastel (Model – 01-12-18) I made this painting in oil. My objective was to stay in line with the fauvist colour kind of strokes (in case of the pastel they were pretty much ‘broken’ and ‘open’ strokes / patches) but also to get to a more abstract feel by means of rendering the model slighty cubistic. The couch she is lying on also is altered to my cubistic needs. Referring to previous cubist drawings I tried to paint some essential geometric shapes in it like circular, rectangular and triangular moves. Colourwise I tried to get the max saturation on the model whereas the couch shows a less saturated colour scheme. Oil on linen (60 x 80 cm) Artist: Corné Akkers
  • Price: $1200 Dimensions: 36 w x 24 h inches
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