One Small Step; One Giant Leap

It’s a strange thing.  I am never usually short of words, yet I found myself this morning staring into my cup of coffee.  Inside the cup I was watching a miniature reflection of myself staring back at me.

“What to write?” This hollow shroud of doubt seems to have cast its shadow since I was told by our Development Team, “The Blog is Live.”

“Where to start?” A strange question when there is in fact so much I want to say and share with you all.

I guess like any journey, the beginning is normally the most difficult, but once the first step has been taken; then the world is full of opportunity.

To my mind writing a blog taps the same creative juices as starting a painting commission I have been putting off.  Procrastination is something I find myself doing.  I even find myself singing ‘The Procrastination Song’ to the melody of the late, great Roy Castle’s theme to the kid’s TV series Record Breakers.  I am sure you can imagine.

If I can’t find ‘the zone’ then trying to spark inspiration can drag me back 25 years to detention after school.  I find myself with my head on the desk or using my arm as a pillow.  I am looking at flotsam on the desk at peculiar angles and VERY close up.  Aren’t pencil sharpeners beautiful?  I try to spin a coin without it falling off my desk.  Nothing.

I have the canvas stretched, I have the paints, yet I sit there looking, thinking, planning, waiting for that moment when the planets have aligned.  Then suddenly, I HAVE somehow magically tapped the seam of ‘the zone’ and I am chasing that rabbit hole to see where it takes me.  I did nothing different, but this time, I can feel the energy.  I feel can accomplish anything now and what I do at this moment; its part of that momentum.  It might not be revolutionary, but in the spirit of everything Kaizen, it is a small change and that is the aim; constant improvement.

This post is my one small step, my small change for today.





Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell
Owner and Founding Artist


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