• So you are a professional artist.  You are self-employed.  You are the Chief of Production, Finance Manager, HR, President of Marketing & Sales.  You are the Chief Executive. You wear many hats and that’s just the way you like it.  You like spinning plates; or else why would you be
  • We are what we do and a lot of what we do hinges on how we see ourselves and how others see us. By definition, artists create art and by extension, those who create art are artists. When someone asks you that annoyingly common four worded question; “What do you
  • We are starting a new thread which will be updated from time to time, relating to some of the more common mistakes made by artists which we might not have experienced but can at least relate to.  There has been a lot of debate here about whether to even do
  • At ArtMarketDirect.com we have a section set aside for ‘Featured Artists’.  The concept behind the informal interview style of the interactions with the Featured Artists is to help collectors read about and form a relationship with the artists; all in pursuance of marrying that perfect piece of art with the
  • Support ethos We are a community bound by creativity and inspiration and where we can, we need to support one another’s events.  That support comes in many different fashions.  It may be that an event is local to you and you can physically give support by going.  It may be
  • A question we are asked often is about the size of a piece of artwork and the size of a space it is intended for.  As we always say; “Its Art Love, Size IS Everything.” We are ArtMarketDirect.com are not interior designers but there are some general guidelines you can
  • Who would have thought making a FREE entry level to our subscription plans would have had an unplanned impact on one of our Facebook groups? Yet, this is exactly what happened with THE ART COMPETITION. Part of what has made THE ART COMPETITION prize less relevant was because we made
  • It’s a strange thing.  I am never usually short of words, yet I found myself this morning staring into my cup of coffee.  Inside the cup I was watching a miniature reflection of myself staring back at me. “What to write?” This hollow shroud of doubt seems to have cast
  • Hi All! Hopes for the blog are high.  Our international team have spent the last four months talking and planning, weighing up the merits and demerits of a whole raft of things we know our collectors and uploading artists, in particular, will love.  I must be careful not to spill