What is Open Studio?

Open Studio.  What Is It? If Wikipedia’s definition is to be the authority (and at times it is useful just to accept what it says), then an Open Studio is “A studio or workroom which is made accessible to all comers, perhaps just in the short term, during an open studio event, where artistic or creative work can be viewed and created collaboratively.” The definition works for us to a point insofar that Open Studio provides the opportunity for creatives to showcase their work AND hopefully sell it without the commission normally garnered by galleries, whether they be real-world or online.  All the proceeds can be kept by the creator, longstanding relationships can be created and thereby the development of your Real Collector goal is one step closer to being achieved. When Do Open Studio Events Take Place? Open Studio events normally happen once a year (Between April - October) and in some cases will have, depending on the size of the geographic area of benefit, anything [...]

By |2019-10-02T18:19:59+00:00September 2nd, 2019|Open Studio, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Why You Should Always Frame Artwork You Offer For Sale

Why Bother To Frame Your Work? We have all been there.  The prospect of spending money on framing your work, in order to sell it can seem counter-intuitive. The arguments against framing normally go something like this: You save money From a practical perspective, pieces are easier to transport Both of these are moot points and we will set out the reasons below.  In short, frame all original work and as a minimum mount and wrap Limited Edition prints you have for sale. Now for the details: Instant Value As soon as a frame is added to your creation it adds value.  It opens a dialogue with your prospective buyer telling them, "this work is worth more, this deserves to be hung on a wall, your wall" It adds instant value.  Of course, the cost of getting your work will be added to the price of your artwork, so the cost is neutralised or net-zero to your profit margin. There are two routes every artist can go [...]

By |2019-08-30T14:48:06+00:00August 30th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

7 Ways You Can Develop Your Work

Human beings are learning beings.  We are able to learn new skills, learn from mistakes, make subtle changes in the way we do things and implement strategies over extended periods of time. If you are a professional artist these traits should resonate with you since success depends on all of them. It may well be that you honed your style and you have sold some work.  That is great news!  Don't stop there, keep going. As soon as some artists start selling they think that is the end of the learning curve, in fact, it is just the end of the beginning.  The real work begins now. Imagine if other professionals stopped learning or developing because they had been paid for their work.  If it was a professional boxer, the career would be very short-lived.  The opponents would soon work out the striking blow and their 'edge' will have disappeared.  Let us visualise a troupe of dancers.  Do they stop practising, rehearsing or learning new steps?.....OF COURSE [...]

Why You Must End Your Inconsistent Voice or Style

Many creatives are drawn to a variety of different directions, both in terms of the medium used and subjects they decide to use in their work. Sure, it can be fun to try out or learn new techniques and its essential in a way if you are to grow, but success at The Model means that your voice or style; your brand needs consistency.  Your Real Collectors need to understand what you are going to produce and when you unveil some newly finished piece, it needs to male sense in terms of a sensible progression to those who support you.  Ricocheting through the vastness of possibilities can alienate those who would otherwise start collecting your work. It's great to know that you dabble in a wide range of mediums from pottery, to watercolour, to pastels, to pen & ink, to lino cutting.  Notwithstanding the colours, materials, different sizes, bolting down your brand to something that is instantly known by those who see it is a giant leap [...]

Knowing When To Stop

This topic will most probably resonate with every creator on earth.When you are in the zone creating and you step back from your work for the last look, asking yourself "Is that enough?".You will see that line that needs softening, that place which needs a little extra work where the colour is not quite how it could be or that mistake you would like to correct (even though only you will ever be able to know it was a mistake).This is arguably the most dangerous time in the process. It is the difference between something with is complete or something at risk of being 'overworked'.No one can help you. You are on your own. Only you can decide.It's a difficult balancing act and every other creative empathises with you.In the end, you will need to down your tools and move on to the next piece.In reality, if there were no pressures on you, the adage "For an artist, a painting is never finished" is apt.The difficulty is knowing [...]

By |2019-07-16T09:54:15+00:00July 16th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Building Your Market: The Real Collector Theory

Many artists find themselves caught in a quagmire of hope as they thrash about the internet trying to post images of their art to the larget audiance imaginable...often with little or no success.  Some might not like the idea and we hear from artists all the time who don't seem to appreciate that they are creators AND business people.  In shourt; YOUR ART CAN BE A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS IF YOU WANT IT TO BE. We also have folk telling us that when uploading work to our marketplace, they see words like 'product' or 'discount', 'vendor' or 'customer'.  The idea that we have intentionally designed these words into our platform is like an anathema to them that this could be an extention of our philosophy; but it is. Business and Art are an inseperable reality if you are a professional artist.  Most artists can't afford to be precious about symantics, so neither should we...and really, neither should you. After trying again and again to build, Likes, Shares, comments and [...]

By |2019-06-29T05:10:22+00:00June 28th, 2019|Selling Art, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Losing Track of Your Art

It is difficult enough creating artworks, but managing an up to date catalogue raisonné can be both tedious and something most artists simply don't do; even though they should. Obviously if keeping track is one thing, losing track is worse.  Surely!  So, however tedious the idea of keeping notes up to date might be the consequence of not is profoundly worse. Staying on top of where things have ended up is relatively straightforward for the average artist when considering pieces which have not sold, but the point here is to maintain information of where the body of work is spread out.  Who bought what and for what price.  Have workes been resold?  Where are they physically located now? This might seem like a waste of time, but when you are trying to curate an exhibition of your work, it is invaluable.  You will not need to panic, you can get in touch with long lost collectors and most will be honored to have something they own in an [...]

Fine Art Or Just Offensive?

On 13th December 2017, this graphic and the URL to this resource was blocked by Facebook on the groups that it 'promotes porn or sells sexual services'. An appeal was subsequently submitted and lost. THIS POST IS A DUPLICATE OF AN ARTICLE FIRST PUBLISHED IN DECEMBER 2017. Is there a distinct line between what is generally considered to be sexually explicit Fine Art and what is considered to be offensive?  What is acceptable and what crosses the line? This article deals with the issue of changing attitudes and attempts to provide a general guide to uploading artists when considering if their artwork is acceptable to sell on the ArtMarketDirect.com platform as well as give information to those who might be offended by an image on the platform. If you see an image on ArtMarketDirect.com which you find offensive If anything displayed on our site causes you offense, please email us the URL of the offending upload and we will conduct an investigation.  In all cased we [...]

By |2019-06-26T07:34:07+00:00June 26th, 2019|Selling Art, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Using Low-Quality Materials

It is such a cliche; "Always buy the most expensive materials you can afford." Like most cliches It is based on a nugget of truth. The reason is that you will be wasting your time and neither will the finished piece look as beautiful as it could. It will, in all likelihood, not last as long either. If you are a painter in Oils, at least get the best Linen canvas you can afford, stretch it yourself. Never buy these horrible pre-stretched canvasses. They are fine for students to practice on but you are a professional. The same applies to watercolour paper; get some nice thick high-quality brand paper. In Oils, buy the best quality professional grade Titanium White you can. Cheap white will 'yellow' after only a few years, likewise any other colours you mixed with it. When my budget has been tight, there are some 'essential' colours after white which I spend as much as I can on, the cheaper versions simply are not as good. [...]

Artists Best Art Tip They Are Willing To Share

At ArtMarketDirect.com we have a section set aside for 'Featured Artists'. The concept behind the informal interview style of the interactions with the Featured Artists is to help collectors read about and form a relationship with the artists; all in pursuance of marrying that perfect piece of art with the collector who wants it.An unintended consequence of the interviews is that we are able to take a look at all of the wonderful pearls of wisdom in the answers to specific questions and between them, create a wonderful resource for fellow artists to look at, consider and maybe learn from.So lets take a look at our artists Best Art Tips: Gill Bustamante 19th October 2018 “Be your own advisor, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions."– L. Ron Hubbard Corné Akkers1st October 2018 Do tonal studies to start with. I see so many promising ideas stranding in the mist of low tonal contrasts, making them disappear. I like to impose a zen koan for beginner artists by [...]

By |2019-04-13T07:19:10+00:00April 12th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Have you got an art event? Let us help make it!

Support ethos We are a community bound by creativity and inspiration and where we can, we need to support one another’s events.  That support comes in many different fashions.  It may be that an event is local to you and you can physically give support by going.  It may be that you can share the event on social media – however, we can support one another – there is a moral incentive to do so.  At ArtMarketDirect, we believe that the art market is big enough for all to win. Events you can list Events which we routinely list include: All events can be shared to social media platforms. art fairs biennials & triennials (FREE TO LIST) consultations call for submissions degree shows (FREE TO LIST) exhibitions festivals installations markets (such as Christmas markets) meetings (AGM or routine/scheduled) networking open studios (FREE TO LIST) panel discussions performances pop-up shop opening private view talks/lectures training or workshops shows (group or solo) social (such as quiz, drinks or dinner) What are you waiting [...]

By |2019-04-11T17:48:38+00:00April 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Getting Back On Track

Who would have thought making a FREE entry level to our subscription plans would have had an unplanned impact on one of our Facebook groups? Yet, this is exactly what happened with THE ART COMPETITION. Part of what has made THE ART COMPETITION prize less relevant was because we made the entry-level tier of our subscriptions FREE. This took the wind out of our sails but we have been talking and thinking about how we might resolve this going forward. It is true, THE ART COMPETITION has been a little sidelined. But that is now to change. It has been some time since we last announced a monthly prize winner but in that time dedicated artists have been busy posting their work for you to Like or Share and you, to your credit, have been Liking and Sharing. That does provide us with a great opportunity to go back on the groups Discussion and determine who has done the best and allow us to catch up with ourselves. [...]

By |2019-04-07T17:13:10+00:00April 7th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

One Small Step; One Giant Leap

It's a strange thing.  I am never usually short of words, yet I found myself this morning staring into my cup of coffee.  Inside the cup I was watching a miniature reflection of myself staring back at me. "What to write?" This hollow shroud of doubt seems to have cast its shadow since I was told by our Development Team, "The Blog is Live." "Where to start?" A strange question when there is in fact so much I want to say and share with you all. I guess like any journey, the beginning is normally the most difficult, but once the first step has been taken; then the world is full of opportunity. To my mind writing a blog taps the same creative juices as starting a painting commission I have been putting off.  Procrastination is something I find myself doing.  I even find myself singing 'The Procrastination Song' to the melody of the late, great Roy Castle's theme to the kid's TV series Record Breakers.  I am [...]

By |2019-04-07T00:11:57+00:00April 6th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

High Hopes

Hi All! Hopes for the blog are high.  Our international team have spent the last four months talking and planning, weighing up the merits and demerits of a whole raft of things we know our collectors and uploading artists, in particular, will love.  I must be careful not to spill the beans.  Suffice to say that month-on-month, the offer of ArtMarketDirect.com continues to improve, develop and focus more on the original inspiration beyond the project.  The original question: "How do we make ArtMarketDirect.com the best option you have?"  Sometimes this question seemed like an insurmountable giant leap.  In truth, it is not.  It is a vast constellation of small steps, small changes until in a moment of magic; the energy came. At the same time, let's keep it real.  This is only a blog, but we have plans and ideas which include: Editors choice pieces of artwork from the market will be promoted Events will be shared Directory entries Some outreach to highlight the work of folk who [...]

By |2019-04-07T00:12:33+00:00April 5th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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