Customizing the Get Support button

Step-by Step: Customizing the ‘Get Support’ button

When collectors look at your gallery page, on the bottom right hand side of your banner is a button which contains the default text ‘Get Support’.
For most artists this is not as appropriate at it could be.
ArtMarketDirect is very happy to facilitate collector/artist communication.
NOTE In all cases we encourage you to ensure the collector has paid for your artwork before it is shipped.  To many artists fall for the 50% deposit scam and having shipped overseas, never receive the balance.  If the collector cannot pay for any reason, be very careful.
You might want to change the text to read something like:
  1. Contact
  2. Contact Artist
  3. Message (similar to Facebook)
  4. Message Artist Direct
These are suggestions.  What your button says is up to you – remember – keep it brief.
Login in, if you haven’t already
You should see your Vendor Dashboard.
Click Settings (either on the bottom of the left-hand side menu OR at the bottom of the drop-down when you click Vendor Dashboard).
You should see the Store menu item highlighted with you banner setting at the top of the page.
Scroll down the page past:
  1. Profile Picture
  2. Store name
  3. Bio
  4. Artist Statement
  5. Address
  6. Phone Number
  7. Email
  8. More product
  9. Map (although this function is currently disabled, in the future – following consultation – we might enable it)
  10. Terms and Conditions
  11. Discount
For your Button to work, you will need to have theEnable Support ticked.
You should now see: Support Button Text
You can simply type into the field the text you want to use:
Once you are happy with the Button text, you need to click Update Settings